Officer Positions and Requirements for nomination/election.
Hold meetings, communicates with Advisors, able to delegate,
Requirements for nomination: Completion of ICS 100, 200 and 700, Approval of nomination by Advisors by submitting a statement of intent (what office and why you want/should be the officer).
Executive Officer
Assists Captain, knows everything the Captain does, able to delegate,
Requirements for nomination: Completion of ICS 100, 200 and 700, Approval of nomination by Advisors by submitting a statement of intent (what office and why you want/should be the officer).
Tracks attendance, records minutes, approves letters for donation requests and tank you’s, able to delegate
Sargent of Arms
Call post to order/close, maintain order, keep peace, present colors, Drill and Ceremony commander, Safety Officer, intercepts visitors and guests and announces them
Requirements for nomination: Good public speaker, clear, concise, and loud
Financial Advisor
Checking account balance, Finds outs costs of equipment, collects dues and fees, able to delegate, receipts of funds, prioritize requests for funds.
Public Information Officer
Squad Leader
Know what’s going on in the squad, accountability of crew, coach-able, delegates, sees “big picture,” when with crew, acts as “captain,” Attends Officer Meetings
Requirements for nomination: Completion of ICS 100, 200 and 700, Approval of nomination by Advisors by submitting a statement of intent (what office and why you want/should be the officer).
Committee Chair
Knows what’s going on in committee, manages members, can delegate, reports to Secretary, collaborates with Captain and Financial Advisor,
In charge of specific projects, reports to Secretary, Advisor appointed position.
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