What’s an EMS Explorer?
EMS Exploring is a hands-on, career-exploring experience for young people between the ages of 14-20 organized through the Exploring program, a division of the Boy Scouts of America. EMS, Emergency Medical Services, is the medical emergency services provided by first responders, EMTs and paramedics. Our post is designed to allow post members to learn about EMS, get hands-on experience with emergency medical care, provides opportunities to develop leadership and to allow for education pertaining to emergency medicine with the guidance of our advisors. To learn more about the Explorer/Learning for Life programs visit: www.learningforlife.com.
What does Explorer Post 3300 do?
Our explorer post is post-member driven. We have elected officers, all of which are elected by the post majority. Post meetings are held every other week in Northfield. Our meetings consist of one hour of post affairs, such as going over minutes, post status, and planning fundraisers and post events. Recent activities that have been held are First Responder certification, a 24-hour fire/ambulance mock service event in conjunction with the Farmington Fire Post 9470, bike helmet fitting and sales on behalf of Northfield Hospital EMS. Upcoming event include a Wilderness First Aid certification/camping trip, First Aid care provided to community events such as soccer tournaments and a youth triathlon. The later half of the meetings are dedicated to exercises pertaining to emergency medicine or speakers presenting on post-picked topics. Topics to be presented in the near future are Interacting with Mental Health in the Emergency Setting, the History of EMS, and Understanding Heart Attacks.
When does Explorer Post 3300 meet?
Our post meets every other Tuesday from 6:00PM-9:00PM. Please feel free to join us for a meeting if you would like to get a feel for the post prior to applying. Our new permanent meeting location is at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 418 Sumner Street, Northfield, MN 55057 (across the street from Sibley School).
Post application available for download on the FORMS page.
Who can join?
EMS Post 3300 is open to all youth ages 14-20 who do not reside in a city that already has an EMS Explorer Post. You may join more than one Explorer post as long as it is not the same career. For example you can belong to the police, fire and EMS explorer posts, but not two fire posts.
How do I learn more?
Checkout our website at www.emspost3300.blogspot.com, email emspost3300@gmail.com, or join us for a meeting! Our upcoming meets are scheduled for:
Upcoming meetings are listed on the HOME tab on the right hand side of the screen.
All meetings are held from 6:00PM-9:0PM
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